Yesterday we had a fairly strong front come down from the north, but it stalled and retreated as a warm front. The winds shifted to steady southerlies, the rain stopped and the skies began to clear. I thought this might create good conditions for north-bound migrants, so, before retiring, I checked the Key West radar.
This is what I saw, a little before 10 PM:
Though I am not an expert at interpreting the echoes, there appear to be waves of migrants moving north from the coast of Cuba. They seem to be moving independently of the apparent rain image over to the lower right of the radar scan. However, I will be pleased if a reader more experienced in radar interpretation would evaluate this image.
This is only a real-time screen shot, as I do not yet know how to download from the NWS archives. If we are beginning to witness a migratory exodus, it is a sure bet that BADBIRDZ will be providing us with some dramatic views of future flights this spring. BADBIRDZ may also be accessed via the “FL Migration Radar” link to the left of this page.