Excerpt From Kenn Kaufman’s Web site,
“Some elements within the energy industry have been trying for years to get the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska opened up for for oil drilling. So far, such attempts have been voted down by congress. But the current high gasoline prices are seen by some as an opportunity to reopen the debate.
“The issue has suffered from some overheated rhetoric on both sides, with the pro-drilling factions accusing ‘environmental extremists’ of causing the current high gasoline prices. A calmer assessment of the potential for oil in the Arctic Refuge can be found in a May 2008 report prepared by the Department of Energy. Their best estimate is that oil from the Arctic Refuge could lower the cost of gasoline at the pump by a little less than four cents per gallon, with the first effects felt in 2018 and maximum impact in 2027-2028. Given the current progress on alternative energy sources and alternative vehicles, we can reasonably ask whether this savings of less than one percent, achieved 20 years from now, is worth the risk to the environment of the Arctic…” (Read entire article)
Today’s news juxtaposed two very different stories.
The first, reported by Dr. Jeff Wells, of the Boreal Songbird Initiative, is about how an enlightened Provincial government has set aside a 225,000 square kilometer “swath of northern boreal forest larger than the Maritime provinces… [R]oughly half of Ontario’s boreal forest - will be protected and designated strictly for tourism and traditional aboriginal use.” Full text of article
The other story is sad indeed, as one of our own elected representatives plans to make a visit to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) this weekend, as he is skeptical that any wildlife even live in that “barren” land. House Minority Leader John Boehner explains the reason for his visit: “But I understand there’s none there. But I’m still going to look for it. If I find any, I’ll let you know.” Full story at FoxNews.com
Instead of wasting taxpayer money on such a venture, our leader should first take a peek at the ANWR Web site,
To save him time and money, and the trouble of making a startling announcement on his return, he also could simply consult an FAQ on the ANWR Web site itself, which states that “[t]he only endangered species that may reach the Refuge is the Spectacled Eider. These birds, however, generally nest further west, so even if they were not reduced in number it is very rare for one to appear on the Refuge. There are no other species in the Refuge that are either threatened or endangered.”
Guaranteed! He will not see even one endangered species! I can’t wait to hear his big announcement upon returning from his weekend “safari.” I wonder how long his bird list will be, as many of the breeders have already packed up and headed south.
Save Our Boreal Birds
“300 Million Birds Say Thanks” for one of the most significant conservation actions in history
Audubon Action
Petition US government to minimize ecologic impact of Border Wall
The BirdFreak
Mining for Declining Birds
It’s a Bird Thing
Judy’s essays on New Mexico birding. Makes me miss the place even more!
Aimophila Adventures
EEW! Rick Wright goes “birding in the buff” (sans binos)
Bird Watchers Digest
Bill’s Top Ten List of almost anything a birder needs to know
Passionate Birder
On the Evolution of a Birder
Janine Images
My South Florida neighbor’s stunning wildlife photos
Urban Hawks
The urban raptors of Manhattan have had a “horrible” year
Today’s Chuckle
Boehner Skeptical Wildlife Lives in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge–
“But I understand there’s none there. But I’m still going to look for
it. If I find any, I’ll let you know.”