This stork showed up on our back lawn yesterday afternoon. It was so close that I had to back up to fit its entire image into my viewfinder.
This year there have been very few Wood Storks on our lake or the surrounding wetlands. After a banner nesting season in 2009, when dozens of immature storks visited us, we have seen only adults, and fewer each year. See my updated blog “Struggling Storks.”
It is interesting to see how the stork rests one leg by grasping the other by its “knee.”
Our local birding patch cannot really be called a “hotspot,” or a place to find a rarity, and it does not have unusually large concentrations of resident and migratory birds. Because we visit it frequently, nearly every morning, we have sighted a total of 109 species, 18 of them warblers. In truth, at the peak of migration the greatest number of warbler species tallied at one time has been 7 or 8, and there are have been many mornings when we failed to see a single one.
Warblers are much more abundant at several locations that are fairly nearby, but we are “homebodies” who prefer to get in our exercise and also fit an hour or so of birding into our morning schedule. An advantage we enjoy is that there are few tall trees in our wetland, which is officially called the West Broward Water Conservation Area. While this limits the habitat suitable for warblers and other migrant and resident birds, it does bring them down to eye level. Birders who visit prime warbler sighting areas and spend hours looking up into the tops of tall trees often are afflicted with “warbler neck.”
This past week, after the great day we described in the previous post we set out with high expectation and were not disappointed.
Common Yellowthroats breed locally, but their numbers are expanded by migrants passing through. This is an adult male.
This immature male still has not developed a full mask.
The demure female yellowthroat is no less beautiful.
Prairie Warblers also nest locally.
Several Ovenbirds appeared.
Ovenbirds commonly forage on the ground.
Although we have been birding this area since 2004, this was our first local sighting of a Worm-eating Warbler, and my first-ever photograph of one.
As the skies were overcast these photos did not turn out very well, but it was a thrill to capture its image. Without flash and at ISO 800 with the aperture locked at f/5.6, the 1/100 second exposures were blurred by the bird’s movement. There is a rule that wildlife exposure speed should at least be the inverse of the focal length of my 420mm system, or 1/420 second.
The skies cleared and a few Black-and-white Warblers appeared. They are very active as they climb along the larger branches in search of insects hidden in the bark.
There followed one of my most enjoyable few minutes since taking up bird photography. A group of 4 -6 Yellow-throated Warblers suddenly flew in. One was so tame that I had to switch my lens to a macro setting because the bird approached nearer than 3 meters.
While I have photographed this species previously, it was the first time I had ever seen them in our local patch.
I won’t bore you with any more, but suffice it to say that I took over 50 photos of them, many up close and personal.
Other birds of note included this Red-eyed Vireo.
The Northern Cardinals have just about finished their post-breeding molt into fresh plumage. Note the new tail feathers growing in.
A Great Crested Flycatcher peered out through the branches.
Two pairs of Common Ground-Doves feasted on the fruit of a nearby Florida Trema.
A Loggerhead Shrike perched atop a shrub.
A Green Heron eyed me from its vantage point along the canal.
A migrating Brown Thrasher scolded me with a loud “chack!”
The next morning brought in Palm Warblers, which will spend their winter locally, becoming so common that locals call them “Florida Sparrows.”
A Great Egret cast a nice reflection.
Lantana blossomed…
…and flowers of the Arrowhead thrust up in a swampy area.
Several small butterflies were active, including this Monk Skipper, native to Cuba, sipping nectar from a Ligustrum.
Another nondescript skipper is Horace’s Duskywing.
The Fiery Skipper is more distinctively marked.
By mid-morning I had to keep a close eye on the weather and confined my wandering to an area only a quarter of a mile from home. Storm clouds built up over the 196th Avenue canal that borders our subdivision. Looking south, our birding patch extends to the north and south along the right (west) side of the canal
This was the view heading home along the unfinished extension of Miramar Parkway as it curves to the east.
September 29th, 2012 at 2:27 pm A fantastic collection of photos, all super enjoyable. Loved the birds and especially thought the stork was amazing. What an interesting looking bird.
September 29th, 2012 at 4:23 pm well how interesting to see the stork resting with it’s foot latched onto the other knee like that. I love each of your bird photographs, just beautiful. I really like birds with some yellow on too and those ones really caught my eye especially.
September 29th, 2012 at 11:16 pm Beautiful photo series showing. Wish you a good Sunday :) Hanne Bente
September 30th, 2012 at 6:10 am Gorgeous birds and photos, Ken! I love the closeup of the stork and all the warblers. Your last shots of the sky are beautiful. Happy Sunday!
September 30th, 2012 at 11:03 am Great sequence!! Those skies are stunning. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
September 30th, 2012 at 10:54 pm Not too dissimilar from my patch birdwise (though WDW is considerably further inland as Florida goes) but as I don’t have specialized photographic equipment I’m stuck vicariously enjoying other folks’ camera work. Congrats on getting Worm-eating Warbler as a patch bird!
October 2nd, 2012 at 1:54 pm Some really stunning birds and superb photos. Great stuff.
October 2nd, 2012 at 2:00 pm so many great birdshots I don´t even know where to start commenting on them. :)
October 2nd, 2012 at 2:30 pm As usual, great photos of all the birds. The storm build up is magnificent. I find it interesting how close your birding patch is to all the houses just across the canal. Sometimes it is difficult to imagine what the environment is in other places.
October 2nd, 2012 at 2:43 pm Oh my goodness….would you LOOK at that?!!! In your own back yard?!!! AmAZING.
October 2nd, 2012 at 2:52 pm Wow, fantastic shots of the stork! It really was close. Nice variety of warblers and songbirds! I haven’t seen an Ovenbird in a long time. The Green Heron is one of my favorites. Beautiful scenic shots at the end, too!
October 2nd, 2012 at 3:03 pm A wonderful post… your beautiful birds are so colourful. Superb images.
October 2nd, 2012 at 3:22 pm Sorry I’m so late this week getting around to view your bird shares and checking out the Bird D’Pots linkies!!! The computer of mine is now running a lot smoother to where I can actually get out and browse photos!!! Thanks for linking up at the Bird D’Pot this past weekend.
October 3rd, 2012 at 3:56 am Thats a great set of pictures. The variety of warblers in your neck of the wood is stunning! I you have a look at ‘ecobirbers’ comment on my blog you will see the link between all these similar kites - all that stuff was news to me! Cheers - Stewart M - WBW
October 3rd, 2012 at 12:33 pm This is my first visit to your blog (from the Facebook group, Birders Who Blog Tweet and Chirp), and I can tell I’ll be coming back for more. What a wonderful collection of photos! I especially love your up close pics of the Yellowthroats — so pretty. I look forward to coming down to Florida for some birding one day. You have such variety there — I’m a bit jealous. ;-)
October 3rd, 2012 at 1:17 pm From the marvelous close-up of the stork to the tiny fiery skipper, an array of fabulous nature captures!
October 4th, 2012 at 3:19 am There’s only one stork in Australia - and it looks quite different to yours! Although I’ve never been quite that close to one - what a thrill!!
October 16th, 2012 at 4:50 am Thanks, all, for visiting and for your wonderful comments!