Rosyfinch Ramblings
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October 2024
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Looking for bluebirds in Jones Meadow Park
Filed under: General, Birding & Outdoors, Illinois, Birding "Patches"
Posted by: Ken @ 7:15 am

So far this spring, we have failed to catch sight of a bluebird. From the reports of local birders, we know they are around, but family obligations have kept us from going very far afield. Still, they were present last year at a nest tree in Jones Meadow Park near our home, and most mornings during the past couple of weeks we have tried to squeeze in even a half hour of birding, there or at another Batavia (Illinois) park, Hawk’s Bluff Park.

While searching for the returning bluebirds, we saw another member of the thrush family that has shown up in good numbers this spring. This dull-backed species lacks the reddish tail of the Hermit Thrush, sports buffy cheeks and a prominent eye ring.

A Swainson’s Thrush posed on the turf, and then took up a perch to peer back at us:

Swainson's Thrush 20090514

Swainson's Thrush 20090514

A Warbling Vireo sang its rolling and rollicking, loud and repetitive: “I see the bug, I seize the bug, I squeeze the bug, I eat it:!”

Warbling Vireo 20090514

Nearby, a Song Sparrow poured out its (what else?) song:

Song Sparrow 20090510

American Robins, common as they are, make beautiful photographic subjects:

American Robin 20090510

A Chipping Sparrow posed nicely on a fence post:

Chipping Sparrow 20090510

On the small lake, a pair of Canada Geese guarded their two little ones:

 Canada Goose Family 20090510

We enjoyed a Mothers Day brunch at Morton Arboretum, and the grandchildren enjoyed watching the Tree Swallows at their nest box:

Tree Swallow 20090510

House Sparrows had commandeered the Purple Martin condominium:

House Sparrow 20090510

The children are always fascinated by furry creatures, like this Fox Squirrel:

Fox Squirrel 20090510

Dandelions abounded on the lawns of the Arboretum, and it was fun to watch the fluffy seeds disperse at the slightest breeze:

Graci Dandelion 2-20090510

Though dressed in their Sunday best for Mother’s Day, the girls enjoyed frolicking in the extensive play area:

Carina 3-20090510

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