Rosyfinch Ramblings
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February 2025
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Walking the West Miramar ESL
Filed under: General, Birding & Outdoors, Florida & SE US, Birding "Patches"
Posted by: Ken @ 1:37 pm

This path in West Miramar ESL had been blocked by high water until the past couple of days:

Miramar ESA Path 20081105

After some early morning fog, the skies turned blue and temperatures warmed up to the high 70s. Conditions were perfect for a walk in our local birding “patch,” known as the West Miramar Environmentally Sensitive “Area” (ESA) or “Land” (ESL), depending upon whom you ask.

The path had been inaccessible ever since we got back from Illinois in early October, but the high water had receded somewhat, permitting muddy-foot access to our favorite path. The subdued fall colors of the vegetation provided a pleasing palette.   

Before I walked to the ESL, I captured this image of a male Boat-tailed Grackle, displaying near the shore of our back yard lake:

Boat-tailed Grackle Displaying 20081105

Many Palm Warblers had arrived since last week. Common Yellowthroats and Prairie Warblers were also quite numerous. There were huge numbers of Zebra Longwing and Julia butterflies. They actually were quite a distraction!

This Prairie Warbler approached so closely that I had to switch to a macro setting:

Prairie Warbler 20081105

A Tricolored Heron stalked a fish…

Tricolored Heron Stalking 20081105

…and missed!

A Red-tailed Hawk circled above:

Red-tailed Hawk 20081105

Next to it was a smaller Buteo, a Red-shouldered Hawk:

Red-shouldered Hawk 20081105

This Sharp-shinned Hawk terrorized the small birds that usually posed for portraits in the “sparrow patch:”

Sharp-shinned Hawk 20081105

An Osprey feasted on a fish, in the only dead tree left standing after Hurricane Wilma:

Osprey 20081105

The Butterfly known as Queen:

Queen 20081105

White Peacock butterfly:

White Peacock Butterfly 20081105

2 Responses to “Walking the West Miramar ESL”

  1. Best Green Living Blogs Says:
    Wanted to make you aware you had been nominated for T9B!
  2. Santiago Aragon Says:
    Good morning Ken: Great speaking to you this morning in my back yard regarding the WILDLIFE in this area. Maybe I will walk with you tomorrow /Sunday or next week. Have a great day, Santi

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