Rosyfinch Ramblings
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January 2025
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Fern Forest Nature Center
Filed under: General, Birding & Outdoors, Florida & SE US
Posted by: Ken @ 11:36 am

View along a canal in the Fern Forest Nature Center

Yesterday, we briefly visited Fern Forest Nature Center in Pompano Beach. The Center includes over 250 acres of Hardwood Hammock, Maple Cypress Wetland, Prairie area, and a Slash Pine - Cabbage Palm habitat. There are several miles of trails, including about a mile of boardwalks and an observation platform.

Strangler Figs appear to be in a deadly erotic embrace

We looked for birds, but the few we saw and/or heard were reclusive. However, the vegetation, including several species of fern and beautiful cypress trees, was spectacular.

Red Maples had lush foliage

Lichen and moss create an interesting geographic pattern on the trunk of this tree

Marlberries, important as food for wildlife, grow in the shady areas.

The drab underwings of the Ruddy Daggerwing butterfly resemble dried leaves

The Ruddy Daggerwing opens its wings to reveal colorful upper surfaces.

The yellow flowers of the Common Primrose Willow were abundant

This leaf (ficus?) is covered with galls, most likely produced by the larvae of midges or small wasps

Link to Web page with virtual tour of the trails in Fern Forest:

Roger Hall’s excellent Gallery of photos
taken at Fern Forest


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