Rosyfinch Ramblings
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February 2025
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Rosy-Finches of New Mexico: Feb 24 Update
Filed under: General, Birding & Outdoors, NM & SW US, Sandia Crest
Posted by: Ken @ 8:41 pm

Waving Flag-- Rosies have returnedUpdate on the Rosy-Finches of Sandia Crest, New Mexico.  The flag is waving–
Flocks of Rosy-Finches are still visiting the feeders at Sandia Crest House.

USFS Volunteers today reported that the upper trails on Sandia Mountain had 14 inches of new snow on top of 2 feet and some drifts were as deep as 5 feet. The banders had a busy day today, as they had 83 recaptures. Nancy Cox said she spent much of her time looking up old band numbers. “We had several birds today that were from previous seasons but that we had already seen this season… we had a lot of help from two banders from Ohio today.  They were able to help hold birds for photo documentation…We also had birders from the Connecticut area and New Jersey Audubon.”  Another Brown-capped Rosy-Finch banded during the winter of 2004-05 was recaptured, the second one this winter. Nancy and Steve Cox provided an updated spreadsheet (link below) and this report:

“We processed 102 birds today.  Most of them were already banded birds.  We only banded 19 new birds (16 Brown-capped, 1 Gray-crowned Hepburn’s, 2 Gray-crowned Interiors). We recaptured 18 Blacks (all but 3 from this winter), 50 Brown-capped (all but one from this winter), and 15 Gray-crowned  (all from this winter, 11 Interiors and 4 Hepburn’s).  The 3 Blacks consisted of 2 that we first banded in the winter of 2006/2007 and 1 that we originally banded in the winter of 2005/2006. The Brown-capped recapture was one we originally banded on 12/5/2004.

“The road to the Crest had been closed yesterday. Today the road was plowed but they were icy in spots. The afternoon drive down was fine with only a few places where there was still some ice.”

Regular visitors to this blog may notice that now I am including regular
updates on the status of rosy-finch viewings at Sandia Crest, New
Mexico. Updates will continue until the last flocks depart. Then the
flag here and on will stop waving, and we will just have
to wait until late October or early November for it to flutter in
celebration of their return.

Crest House Sighting Logs for this and prior winters

Rosy-finch and Rio Grande Nature Center banding schedule

Updated table and link to spreadsheet of all banding results

 Narrative Reports from visitors and banders: Correspondence Page

ID Tips: the four rosy-finch races at Sandia Crest

Check Weather, Webcams and Road Conditions


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