This spring, warbler migration was painfully dull both in our part of south Florida and near our second home in northeastern Illinois. We departed for Illinois at the beginning of May, just when numbers of warblers had started building up there in previous years. Now that summer has arrived and it is a rainy day, all I can do is remember last year and look forward to fall migration.
The Prairie Warbler was quite common in Florida this spring, but we have never yet seen one in Illinois.
Some of the warblers we saw this spring both in Florida and in Illinois were…
Yellow-rumped Warbler (photographed in Illinois)
This Western subspecies of Palm Warbler, common in Florida, is the dull-colored form…
…as compared to this Eastern “Yellow” Palm Warbler, photographed in Illinois
Black-and-white Warbler (in Florida)
Yellow Warbler (in Illinois)
Now I’m remembering some warblers we had hoped to see– but didn’t see at all this spring, either in Florida or Illinois.
Past spring migrations in Florida, we have seen…
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Northern Parula
During past spring migrations in Illinois we have gotten…
Bay-breasted Warbler
Here is another view of a Bay-breasted Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Louisiana Waterthrush
Cape May Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
American Redstart
This Nashville Warbler is actually flying– I accidentally caught him at an instant when his wings were closed